Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Automatic writing, Feb 2012

I'd hoped I'd see more of my own life flourishing by now, but instead, I've seen all of life flourishing.  I've seen mysef in mirrors, flowers, and those that I despise.  I've seen them in robes and crowns, smiling at me and smoking cigars.

In shadowed nights, the soul's messages are more deeply hidden.  More acutely described to the mind when it's not thinking.  More alerted by slience and inability to move about freely.

Whatever's moving through one of us is moving through all of us.  No more pain than freedom.  No more lucrative deals than rotten deals gone bad.  No more hollow than fulfilled, or forgiven than really still pissed off at.  And for this I'm grateful.  Forever giving myself the chance to adopt a new frame of reference, I feel afraid most of the time. 

My mother's energy, from time to time, absorbs me so fully that I can feel it, feel her, and my heart's all part of my limbs and organs.  we are one.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Angel's tricks.....

February 2, 2012

It is a perfect day, perfect time, and I feel that all is perfect. I’m mellow, connected with Spirit and myself, at peace, filled with ideas and inspiration, in silence and fulfillment, with a still and peaceful atmosphere all around me, nowhere to go and no appointments. Aaahhhh - surrendering to just being here, not feeling like I should be doing something, or something else. Angel’s (and Angels!) here with me, a blessed sign. She and I have been at odds with each other (and ourselves?) for a few days now. Since she woke me last Tuesday at 5 a.m. when I was not ready to be awake, and which, I realized later in the day, pissed me off royally! So I cold-shouldered her for a day or two, then she did the same to me for a couple of days. Man! That cat can sling some major attitude!

It bothers her that I am gone a lot, busy when I’m home, and not into hanging out with her outside at night and/or at 4-5 a.m. Clearly, we are on different schedules! Reminds me of a country song from back in the 70’s - “While he’s kickin’ his shoes off, she’s puttin’ hers on, she’s got the Friday night blues.”

Anyone who has a pet, a pet who is as much a friend as a human friend, knows how easily they can get us to give into their every whim. Angel (my cat), though aptly named, can really just play me to the point of ridiculous! She has me hooked and bowing to her before I even realize it! I’ve learned that if I do one thing, one time, that it can just as easily become an expected trick and routine that I am to comply with from then on. For example, she has always had a fascination with running water. In Tucson, I watered the garden, a meditative exercise that I loved. The first time Angel saw the spraying water, she freaked out and ran away. The next time, she stayed put, but eyed me from a distance. Finally, she worked her way to the spray of water, and began to claw at it. As I would pass the water back and forth, she chased it, biting and clawing at it until she was soaked and worn out. If I hadn’t seen Angel for a number of hours, all I had to do was turn on the hose, and there she’d come, from whatever part of the yard or the neighborhood she’d been. That went of for months, until one chilly February morning, when she got sopping wet and way too cold. Like the whole time, she never really put the two together - chase water, get wet. I don’t know, but she just never played with it again.
 She still has a periodic interest in running water, though - specifically in the bathtub faucet, hopping on the tub when water’s running. A few months ago, she jumped into the tub and sat there, looking up at the faucet and then over at me. Hmmmm……I turned on the water and she sat there and lapped it up for a long time! Now this is something of a ritual, and especially important to her right as I am getting ready to leave the house. As I go for my keys, she races into the bathroom, and up into the tub. And I fall for it every time! As seems to happen with each new ritual, I have learned HOW exactly to do it for her optimal happiness. For example, while she’s lapping up the water, she loves me to rub her head. Or hold my hand over part of the faucet that allows droplets to land in her eye. Or both.
When I was living in Destin over the summer, with my friend and her family, Angel had to basically stay outside and live on the screened in porch, as she and the resident cats weren’t, well, “friendly” with each other. I missed her a lot, as we didn’t really get to hang out that much, unless I sat outside (mosquito city!) with her when I was home. That wasn’t such a fun option, so I decided to sleep out on the porch with her on the futon at night, with a fan and earplugs. (The frogs there were so loud!!! Like a rock concert going on all night……) It was pretty humid and hot, but came to be really comfortable and comforting as the night (and the weeks) went on. Her food and water bowl were out there, as well. For a few weeks, there was a family of frogs that were loved eating her food!! It was a riot to see this big old frog hanging on the side of her bowl, just having a feast. Then he’d hop off (lumber along is more like it), and Junior would head on in. Bold, yes, but very shy, too. Angel seemed not to mind at all. Funny what animals will live in harmony.
One night about 9:00, Angel was with me up on the futon, both of us about half asleep, when there was a rustling sound over in the corner by her food bowl. It was way too loud to be a frog, for sure. We both sat up and saw, just munching away, a baby opossum!!!!! Neither of us moved or breathed! Just sat there in amazement as this little critter ate to his heart’s content. When he was done, and turned to leave, he spotted US, and froze! He didn’t seem to know whether to run for safety or to play opossum, hoping we wouldn’t catch on. The more scared he got, scurrying back and forth across the screen, the further back on the futon Angel and I scooted. After about 20 minutes of this, he found his way to, and out of, the screen door. Whew! Neither of us moved for about 5 minutes. I was just stunned and more than a little freaked out. For the rest of our time there, my friend Jan couldn’t figure why Angel was so skittish “out there on the porch.” I couldn’t bring myself to tell her why. It’s the only time I have kept a secret with my cat.
Yes, there are stories galore that I have about my cat, my pet, my friend, as I’m sure you have about yours. And all are dear to the heart, right? Write one and send it to me! Maybe I’ll put together a book of pet stories. Wouldn’t that be some sweet reading!? Thanks, and love to you and yours! J

Automatic Writing 2/7/2012

How hard it's got to be to understand what was meant to be not understood. 
How awful to find out what's not meant to be found.
And how truly sorrowful to believe in what's not truth.
For one and for all, my confession's not one of honesty, but of guilt and necessity.
However hard it may be to revel in all good, I'll find a way to become heavy-hearted.
Without a trace, the wind's tides have brought in a new air, a way of seeing through dust, storm coulds, and mud.  Seeing from a place where eyes are made of love.
Seeing from a place now known as me.
Within the ambitions of hurt and release, my soul's too busy with alchemy to notice rudeness or aloof situations.
Sad no lolnger.  Reveling in harmony and love.