Thursday, December 11, 2014

"Not to decide is to decide."

December, 2014

Every day, nearly every moment, we are offered choices and faced with decisions ~
Which shoes to wear?  What to eat?  When to leave?  Where to go? 
How to answer a question?  Who to call?  Who not to call?, etc., etc. 
It's an ongoing process, and the more often that we make a conscious choice,
the more we allow our power to be called forth. 
When we are 'up against' a decision that is difficult to make, we can sit on it,
waiting for the decision to show itself, for all the right and perfect information to come to us,
or for someone else to make the decision for us!! 
If we sit long enough, each of these is likely to happen.
It feels, however, that ultimately, every choice to be made is made instantly somewhere within us ~
most likely, in the heart.  The mind doesn't always get the memo right away, and therefore lags behind,
waiting for something to help it along.  The lag time comes most often from fear ~
fear of hurting someone, fear of being judged by others, fear of being lonely, or fear of failing.
Basically, fear of suffering the consequences of a wrong or bad decision, when, in reality, there is no wrong decision. 
Just like there is no bad weather!  Weather is weather - it's how we judge it.  Some people love clouds, storms and sleet! 
Others love sun, humidity and intense heat.
A decision is just a decision - it will certainly have consequences, as that's the nature of the beast,
and those will then present yet another opportunity to choose. 
The process is endless. 
When we can be bold and base our decision on what feels Right and True,
despite what others may think about or judge us for,
then our actions can more easily align with our heart, and magic begins to happen.
A decision based on fear will probably fall flat and leave us feeling dismayed and powerless. 
A decision is always made, whether it is by us or by the Universe. 
How many times have you felt or known that you needed to make some change,
to choose something other than what you presently had, yet resisted for fear of making a mistake?? 
 ("The man who never makes mistakes never does anything.")
... and then had it happen anyway, by circumstances 'outside of your control?'  My guess is more than once!  :-)
Understandably, everything is in right and perfect order, and in Divine Timing. 
And personally speaking, when a decision has been delivered to me while I was waiting to make it myself,
I feel like I wasted a lot of time, and missed other great opportunities. 
I feel disheartened (no mistake that heart is here!) and sad. 
I will always make mistakes, but a mistake is pretty much the same as an outtake, right? 
And sometimes, the outtakes of a movie are more entertaining than much of the movie itself!!8-)
Being in our power is essential right now.  We are being given opportunity again and again to seize it, to revel in it,
and to heighten vibration, light, and joy by owning it.  We are all brilliant and powerful beings,
being called on to shine forth, to be who we truly are, and to bring others to their power, as well. 
When we make decisions and choices based on knowing this as Truth, then our decisions will be easier,
they will produce magical results, and we will finally know the truth of being supported by the Universe
and being loved by all of Life itself.
Any decision based on love and truth can only bring results of love and truth.
To Decide is To Decide!!!!
Blessings to you, and
thank you for deciding to read this!
Please share it with others!
Please acknowledge yourself for the bounty and brilliance,
the love and knowing that you possess, and that you ARE.