Monday, July 11, 2016

...and a few pictures of people included in the story...........
Carol and Dad

Mary Jane, loves to laugh!

Mike, in a pensive moment....

The four sistuhs...Trudi, myself, Frannie, Mary Jane

My cousins Max and Vince Sternjacob, on my mother's side - stopped in ABQ on their way through!

Betty and her daughter
So.....I'm still not exactly sure how to post pictures and captions in an organized fashion.  Baby steps.....:)    Here are pictures from our trip to Alamogordo.

White Sands at sunset

The boarding house where dad first lived, about 1949

Our old skating rink.....still there!
While I was in Albuquerque, there was a snow on February 1 that resulted in a day of solid white serenity and stillness like I hadn't experienced before!  My sister, brother-in-law and nephew were visiting that week (Mary Jane, Skip, and Mike).

Skip, Mary Jane, Mike and Dad

Hannah, Skip, Lena, Mary Jane

Mike and Frannie
Waltzing with His Walker is now a published book (available on!,  with some pictures included, but not all that I'd love to share with readers.  Here, then, is where I am adding those.  I hope these add some depth and understanding to the book.  Thank you for reading! 

My dad, the railroad enthusiast and volunteer with Friends of the Cumbres and Toltec