Sunday, November 5, 2017

Chicago Pics

Coming into Chicago from Midway airport, on the train!  Way convenient!
TALL buildings!!
view from my friend's apartment on Lake Michigan!  Corner apartment, lots of windows.  Yea!

Tree colors on my walk around the neighborhood....

This, I was standing in front of, and almost missed!  It blends right into the neighborhood!

           You having a bad day?  Can’t seem to shake it?  Here’s a thought to consider:  There are a LOT of people who would LOVE to have your bad day! 

            If that’s not enough to shake you free from the blues, the funk, the woe-is-me syndrome, try…….
            Going outside.  Nature works wonders.
            Doing something different than you usually do when you get in a funk.  If you usually eat, do some jumping jacks.  If you usually run, sit in silence and draw.  If you call the same person to unload your misery, write your junk down on paper.  Then burn it.
            Writing a love letter to someone who has supported you. 
            Making some sandwiches and taking them to someone on the street.
            Picking a flower to give to your neighbor.
            Going to to find a group you may want to be a part of.
            Stomping and screaming… lay on the floor and pound your hands and feet.  Throw a temper tantrum!
            Holding your own hands.  Or your face.  Or your feet.  Feel the comfort that you have to offer yourself.
            Making a list of ten things you could do to feel even one degree better.  
            Doing one of those.
            Writing a poem. 
            Singing a song.
            Changing your shirt.
            Finding a picture of something that makes you feel good and pin it up.

If you try any or all of these and none seems to do the trick, consider that you may just get pleasure from having a bad day.  And enjoy that. 
            Just please consider that, before you unload your crisis, turmoil, burdens, and heartache on someone else without their invitation, they are possibly having some troubles of their own.  Ask them about THEM.  And listen.  It’s a great distraction from your own ‘stuff.’
            “The best exercise for your heart?  Bend down and lift someone up.”