January 28, 2011
There is so much that I have thought about to write about; I have written tons of stories and updates in my mind, but when I’m at the computer or with a notebook, it doesn’t come as easily. So I’m here now, and going to put down pieces of what has touched me in the last couple of weeks. It has been a tremendous several days!!!!!!
The few days after I got home from California were days of just wanting to sleep and be alone. I was pooped from all the holiday activity, expectation, emotion, and cold, and from the ensuing days of driving to, and visiting in, California. It seemed that a lot of healing on several layers was taking place, and I had spent a lot of time resisting it, running from it, and eventually, finally, bumping headlong into it!!!! You can run, but you cannot hide!! Yep, that.
So I slept as much as I could get away with, ate better than I had been eating, and decided to go to a class I’d seen advertised in a local spiritual magazine. The woman who leads it is a channel and a medium - someone who communicates with and hears from beings on “the other side” - and in the Monday evening class / gathering, channels and shares information and guidance that she hears from those that guide her. You gotta know, I was skeptical and unsure, and still willing to sit in for the hour, see what it was about. Within 5 minutes of her speaking and my being there, I felt very at home, comfortable, and moved by her sincerity, sweetness, and sense of humor. The hour went quickly, and I left feeling lighter and really happy.
Each week, I have returned, and each week, come home with some piece of information or insight that helps me each day throughout the week. The most recent was the 5 minute exercise of thinking of what I love, each morning, preferably, as that is when our energies are most open and fresh. I light a candle, say hello to my angels, pets, friends, whoever might be with me, and then I start thinking of and feeling what makes me happy. Man! The list gets longer and longer, and the 5 minutes turns into about an hour a day, all throughout the day. It is such a fun exercise! I find myself calling to mind the craziest things that I love, that I had never really put words to! Like how good it feels to burp, or to see someone laugh, or watch the sun come up over a mountain and through a bare tree. Or the smell of pizza, the feel of my cat’s fur, the wind on my skin on a warm day. SO much! Great exercise!!
Another “pearl“ from a few weeks ago, and about the time, incidentally, that all of my life as I have known it, started to change, for the better, was a message that she channeled from my Star Guide (it may sound strange, but I’ll tell you, it was some magical information that the gave!). The message that I really heard, along with some other beautiful, powerful, and affirming sentiments, was, “Ask us to show you your TRUE heart’s desires.” Wow. I’d never thought of that. So immediately, I did just that. And within a day, I think, I found a new prayer. What I had been asking for - a new, beautiful, peaceful place to live, now changed to something else. I heard the question (yes, I hear voices!! J ), “What do you want?” Without qualifications or deliberations over the right and perfect words and phrases, I simply stated, “I want to be happy where I am living now.” WOW!!!! It freaked me out how fast it came, and mostly, how my body PHYSICALLY responded. It’s like my body sighed, loosened, felt the peace immediately. It was so cool! And since then, life where I am has gotten better and better.
I decided to completely commit to being available to my dad, to take care of his needs and health as best I could, to be compassionate and caring, and to just make the most of the really good situation that I was in now. I have since started going to the gym more, walking and meditating every day, and taking classes that nourish my mind and my soul. And I still do all the laundry, cleaning, shopping, cooking, errands, driving, etc. etc., which is all stuff I love doing, being a Virgo and all, so it’s been a win-win situation. Ironically, the more time I spend with dad - more quality time now! - the more I seem to have for myself. Having finally gotten internet connection at the house has helped tremendously, too, in feeling more organized and in touch with the rest of the world.
So………..that’s it for now. Thanks for listening! J Happy February, and may all your dreams come true!!! Love, Maria
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