Friday, April 8, 2011

Finding what I need........

April 6, 2011

I'm surprised at how closely tied I feel to my computer.  It's been on the fritz for almost two weeks, and the frustrating part is that it kind of works, but then quits.  Just enough to keep me trying.  If I just leave it off and don't use it or think about it, I still live life, and still have what I need.  And then some. This is curious.
Life is curious. 

I keep lots of paper and pens, notebooks and pencils around - in my purse, backpack, and car.  Lots of things written down that every now and then, I go back over and read.  One thing I saw yesterday was the lyric from a song on a Christian radio that I heard some weeks back.  I loved it, wrote it down......................

"We pour out our miseries,
God hears a melody.
Beautiful, the mess we are:
the honest cries, the broken heart,                             
are better than an alleluia, sometimes."

The melody was cool, too!

I also found this, written, probably, in a parking lot somewhere, with the music on.............

Hoping for deliverance
caught in the undertow -
Bad weather's moving in -
Heartache's scrambling for a way out.

Memorizing words of gratitude
in case I'm forgetful
on my way out.

Holy cow, the dairy's in my past.
No one's counting calories -
let the corn chips fall where they may.

Hopin' I'll open the checkbook and
find black therein.

Maybe wishing's not the right way out -
maybe wanting's not the first choice in decisions -\
making up ways to downshift on the
way -too-steep grade.
Nothing's holiding me back -
I just can't run any faster.

No one's any closer to the finish line
than anyone else.
We're taking steps towards our own lives -
nothing ventured, nothing gained.

That's it for now!!!!  Blessings to you!!! 

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