Wednesday, October 3, 2012


January 6, 2012


“Dance like no one is watching.”
“Sing like you can’t be heard.”
“Work like you don’t need the money.”
“Love like you’ve never been hurt.”
“Live like it’s heaven on earth.”

I’ve just gotten off the phone, from doing a long-distance reading. The way I feel is alive, excited, fulfilled. It’s a great feeling, and I’d like to feel this way all the time. Like I’m doing what I am meant to do, what I do easily and happily, and what brings me and others joy and fulfillment (and in this case, clarity!). I feel fortunate to be able to do what I do, to be able to hear from Divinity and to pass it on to people for confirmation of their dreams and desires. Today, one of the many messages was for the person (on the other end of the phone) to use his intellect to be more like a child. To be in the wonder and laughter that a child is; to notice the small things in life and be grateful for them; and specifically, to write stories for and about children. As this message was coming, it came with much alliteration and simplicity. Just like a child’s book. When the man heard this, he told me that he has, for years, dreamed of doing exactly that, write children’s books, but felt that he couldn’t, as he wasn’t the ‘artistic one’ in the family. His sibling had the rights to that. So to speak. My heart and brain just wanted to jump up and tell him that EVERYone in his family who wanted to could write. Or draw. Or paint. Or sing. Or create any life they wanted. That we are all artistic in some way or another, and only our limited ways of thinking keep us from doing anything, and usually, everything, that we want!!!!

But I didn’t, as that’s not my role in giving a reading. My role is simply to share information that Spirit (my Higher Self, God, Divinity, Angels, Guides, etc.) may give me. And when I do that, the judgment part of my brain subsides, and I get to hear much higher ideas. Today, I heard that I, too, can do whatever I want to do; all I have to do is DO it. And one thing (of many) that I want to, love to, do is write. I know this for certain, because whenever I hear someone give all the reasons they don’t write, even though they want to, I cringe and think they are only afraid of ‘not doing it right.’ They can’t because someone else is the writer. Or they don’t have a degree, or the time, or a great vocabulary, or, or, or….

And after the reading today, I realize that I have much to say, love to say it, and am now being encouraged by Spirit to say it in writing. No excuses today, for now. Though here are most of the ones I’ve got in my arsenal ~

No one will read it anyway.
I might come off sounding boasty and know-it-all.
I don’t have the time or the attention span. It takes too long to write something worthwhile.
I don’t know what to write about.

Those are the ones I’ve been hearing most recently. And I know that they are just my fear acting out, keeping me from doing what I love to do, no matter how it looks in the end. Ir makes me think of all the people I have known that don’t dance because they’ll ‘look silly.’ Wow. THAT makes me so sad!!! Dancing is like the best thing anyone can do in this life, and we ALL look silly, to someone. And we ALL look awesome to someone. The same goes for drawing, writing, singing, storytelling, cooking, etc., etc., etc. The list goes on and on. Sometimes, I think that in the doing what we are most afraid of,  lies the power and the fulfillment. Not in the outcome or the act itself, but in the endeavor to move past the grip of fear.

I remember a comedy class that I took while living in Atlanta. It was about 5 weeks long, and our ’graduation’ was doing our rehearsed comedy routine for the public (a.k.a. total strangers!) one evening at Jerry Farber’s, a local pub. We were ALL scared and nervous, for sure. That we’d forget our routine, mess up our lines, draw a blank, look like a fool, not get any laughs, etc Well, not getting any laughs was certainly a valid fear, right? J And what is so funny is that for all of us, the experience was the same. We didn’t remember ANYthing about our time on the stage!! It was all a blur that sped by in a second, and then we were returning to our seats. Wow. We didn’t remember laughter or lack of it. Lines done well or total blank air. All we knew was that we had done it - gotten up there and given it our best.

And lived through it!!!! (I also remember that in rehearsal, a few of the students who were obviously really nervous, were the ones who came off the funniest and made us laugh.)
I think that’s what it’s really all about in life. Just trying something we’ve always wanted to try. Follow a dream that has always tugged at our heart. Living a little bigger than we have before. And be, in the process, inspiration for someone else who just might be watching!

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